
Descent road to legend review
Descent road to legend review

Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are ® of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. And more fun to play than just simply do the same thing every turns - blast-blast, recover fatigue, do it again. It's a subtle distinction but can be valuable in blast situations. There were a few things we found that we were doing wrong, made the game a LOT easier once we played it correctly. On paper (based only on the revealed skills, obviously) the Soul Reaper looks decent in the coop mode and rather weak against an OL.

descent road to legend review

Search cards are not the same in the app indeed but we were ok to open up some of the tokens with 12, sometimes 20 gold rewards - and stamina potion could help you out still. Having only played the physical game with an overlord a few times, I felt the app was just right.

descent road to legend review

we ended up with a late game event that was doing 8 points of damage to all heros at the end of each round.

descent road to legend review

Basically he will just take his turn, refresh his card, do a rest action, then take his turn later and redo Mist. We got the game recently and haven't played yet.īy cool thanks. The app always keeps you moving forward, no time to stop. We figured the perils were to keep the heroe moving but not that we were supoose to be spliting the damge. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), Black Screen, can't create new campaigns, can't load existing campaign. We played a Sir Valadir/Steelcaster/Hexer combination - it was all fun, he always had an extra surge when dices were not enough (once per turn is more than enough).Īll rights reserved. That would be a hell of an incentive to buying them. it would be fun to test combo like Grey Ker Monk + Spiritspeaker - he can start trun, refresh Mist card, then bypass turn, and in the end exhaust it again, making Mist last continuosly without making heroes suffer its effect. Paste as plain text instead, × © Valve Corporation. had a game today with some freinds using the app and we got our asses kicked. The Road to Legend represents a new way to play Descent with the introduction of campaign rules and an overland map of Terrinoth. The Geomancer’s free surges when attacking monsters adjacent to stones is an absurdly powerful ability that he has right from the start. × The Berserker has the most readily available multi-attack skill (Whirlwind) and it was very useful, effectively giving her free move actions many times in my campaign. Players are choosing exact monsters movements and attack targets, so you can take actions, which favor heroes a bit. Hmm nope, we fund the app pretty easy and will start our next campain tomorrow on hard mode =).Īll Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews.

Descent road to legend review